Saturday 12 January 2013


I had an opportunity to attend a Management development programme titled “STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT” conducted at ASCI (Administrative Staff College of India) from 17th to 21st December, 2012. The programme was co attended by 31 other participants coming from organizations as varied as PSUs, Government departments, private companies and high officials from Afghan Government.

The Director of Programme was Prof. G.Vishwanatham, a senior faculty of ASCI who is a clinical psychologist taking up Management Education as career. He had invited eminent guest faculties like Mr.A.G.Krishnamurthy, Mr. S S Rau, Mr. Y V VRaghava, Prof G K Srikanth, Dr. B Kinnera Murthy, Dr. K Madhu and was assisted by ASCI faculties Prof G Mohan and Dr. P Subhashini.

The programme covered topics like Overview and practical aspects of Strategic Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, Systems Thinking, Mentoring, coaching and counseling, Decision making, Envisioning, Strategy Development and a workshop on Change Management. There were many interesting case studies and games including a game on bidding for company acquisition.

In the last session the participants provided their learning from the Programme in the form of Strategic development plan for their respective organizations. The whole experience was very memorable with lot of learning of new ideas, insights into problems, viable solutions, sharing of experiences, humor, jokes, stories, songs, poetry, ghazal, visit to Golconda Fort for light and sound show and a cocktail dinner.

In this blog I wish to publish and share the learning and also provide a platform for further discussions and development of these ideas. I welcome all who are interested in these topics to put forward their comments and views for the benefit of one and all and to contribute towards betterment of their organizations.